Sand Dunes

Let's start!

In October I took a beatiful 2 day trip with the guy of the Experience Learning Center. It was just a blast! I had so much fun that I became the biggest fan of this group and I followed them in almost every excursion. I learnt how to camp and a lot of things about nature and outdoor.
The Sand Dunes is a gourgeous desert in the South of Colorado. This desert is sourronded by the mountains and people like to think that God placed the desert in the middle of the mountains to make Colorado more beautiful and interesting than what already is.

Banditos in the desert

The dunes were formed from sand deposits of the Rio Grande and its tribuatries, flowing through the San Luis Valley. Over the ages, westerly winds picked up sand particles from the river flood plain. As the wind lost power before crossing the Sangre de Cristo Range, the sand was deposited on the east edge of the valley. This process continues, and the dunes are slowly growing.

My tentmates Sheena and Keyla

It was not very easy to set up the tents under a puoring sky....

The day after, fourtanetly, it cleared up, but the wind was still very strong!.

Arrival at the top of the hill in the Sand Dunes! We made it!!!

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